About phPESO.TEL website and DISCLAIMER to be read by visitors

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phPESO.TEL is an un-official Telcoin information website, which domain name extension dot TEL is easy-to-remember gTld extension in accordance to TEL, aka the ticker of TELCOIN the genuine token for TELECOM

phPESO.TEL is NOR affiliated with Telcoin Pte. Limited NEITHER to its official website Telco.in

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phPESO.TEL purpose is to share verified information as an educational resource only , for those wanting to make progress and know more precisely about TELCOIN blockchain technology, TEL token and TELCOIN telecom practical usecases , typically about, but not only related to, mobile money in NIGERIA , mobile remittance in Philippino PESO , and international TELcoin token transfer which are technically enabled to cash-out in the most compliant ways into some legit mobile money wallets from partnering mobile operators and partnering service providers who are in charge with their compliance with legal rules in the country of destination,and typically in Philippines when addressing phPESO.

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This being declared for safe harbour reasons towards phPESO.TEL ,its editors, partners, affiliates, kindly be sure we are very pleased and honored if you decide t continue visiting this website and if you appreciate information being shared here with enthusiasm, love, and care towards better and faster financial inclusion of every one.

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